About Us

With our experience in the metal building industry, LMCurbs has adapted to offering products and services targeted specifically for customers who require innovative solutions delivered with the highest quality possible in order to fulfill the most challenging aspects of metal roofing applications. We measure success in our ability to create loyal, long term customers and in order to achieve this goal; our team has been carefully assembled over the last 50 years and represents the highest level of expertise in each person’s respective area. Our workmanship and reputation is evident in each product and project that is completed. We recognize the two essential requirements in our continued effort to meet customers’ expectations: our staff and our products.
On our website, we describe the key features and options available for all of our product lines. These product lines, to name a few, include roof curbs, snow retention, roof walk, louvers, exhaust fans, solar mounts, and many more. With this wide selection of products, we have effectively worked to create an unparalleled buying experience that allows customers to purchase metal roofing accessories from a single source supplier. We value this opportunity to present our capabilities and look forward to working with you on your next project.
David Funderburk